We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase from our store. If for any reason you aren't satisfied with your order, please read our refund and return policy:
We offer a 14-day money back guarantee on all products purchased from our store. If you aren't satisfied with your purchase, you may request a refund within 14 days of receiving your order. To be eligible for a refund, your item must be unused, in the same condition you received it, and in its original packaging. We'll also require proof of purchase.
To initiate a refund, please contact our customer service department via email or phone and we'll provide you with instructions on how to return your item. Once we receive and review your return, we'll process your refund within 7-10 business days.
Please note that shipping and handling fees are non-refundable and you'll be responsible for the cost of returning your item.
If you have received a defective or damaged item, please contact our customer service department as soon as possible so we can assist you with a return or exchange. We'll cover the cost of returning the item.
If you received the wrong item, please contact our customer service within 7 days of receiving your order and we'll arrange a return or exchange. We'll cover the shipping cost to return the item.
Please note that we don't accept returns or exchanges for items that have been used or damaged after receipt.
If you have any questions about our refund and return policy, please contact our customer service department and they'll be happy to assist you.